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LCL(Lazarus Component Library) is multiplatform visual component library similar to VCL.
This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total.
Pages in category "LCL"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 251 total.
(previous page) (next page)B
- Lazarus Tdbf Tutorial
- LazDeviceAPIs
- LazLogger
- LCL Accessibility
- LCL AutoSizing
- LCL Bindings
- LCL Components
- LCL Defines
- LCL Documentation Roadmap
- LCL Documentation Roadmap/pl
- LCL Drag Drop
- LCL Interface Redesign Idea
- LCL Internals
- LCL Internals - Resizing, Moving
- LCL Key Handling
- LCL Messages
- LCL Tips
- lclintf
- locate
- lookup
- TAChart
- TAction
- TActionList
- TApplication
- TApplicationProperties
- TArrow
- TAsyncProcess
- TBevel
- TBitBtn
- TBufDataset
- TButton
- TButtonPanel
- TCalculatorDialog
- TCalendar
- TCalendarDialog
- TChart
- TCheckBox
- TCheckGroup
- TCheckListBox
- TCHMHelpDatabase
- TColorBox
- TColorButton
- TColorDialog
- TColorListBox
- TComboBox
- TControlBar
- TCoolBar
- TCSVDataSet
- TDataSet
- TDataSource
- TDateEdit
- TDateTimePicker
- TDBCalendar
- TDBCheckBox
- TDBComboBox
- TDBDateTimePicker
- TDBEdit
- TDbf
- TDBGrid
- TDBGroupBox
- TDBImage
- TDBListBox
- TDBLookupComboBox
- TDBLookupListBox
- TDBMemo
- TDBNavigator
- TDBRadioGroup
- TDBText
- TDividerBevel
- TDrawGrid
- TEdit
- Testing, if form exists
- TEventLog
- TFBAdmin
- TFBEventMonitor
- TFileListBox
- TFindDialog
- TFixedFormatDataSet
- TFloatSpinEdit
- TFloatSpinEditEx
- TFlowPanel
- TFontDialog
- TForm
- TFrame
- TGraphicControl
- TGroupBox
- The LCL in various platforms
- THeaderControl
- THintWindow
- THTMLBrowserHelpViewer
- THTMLHelpDatabase
- TIBConnection
- TIdleTimer
- TImage
- TImageList
- TINIPropStorage
- TIniPropStorage
- TIpFileDataProvider
- TIpHtmlPanel
- TIpHttpDataProvider
- TJsonPropStorage
- TLabel
- TLabeledEdit
- TLazComponentQueue
- TLHelpConnector
- TListBox
- TListView
- TListViewFilterEdit
- TMainMenu
- TMaskEdit
- TMemDataset
- TMemo
- TMSSQLConnection
- TMySQL40Connection
- TMySQL41Connection
- TMySQL50Connection
- TMySQL51Connection
- TMySQL55Connection
- TMySQL56Connection
- TMySQL57Connection
- TNotebook
- TODBCConnection
- TOpenDialog
- TOpenPictureDialog
- TOracleConnection
- TPageControl
- TPageSetupDialog
- TPaintBox
- TPairSplitter
- TPanel
- TParadox
- TPopupMenu
- TPopupNotifier
- TPQConnection
- TPrintDialog
- TPrinterSetupDialog
- TProcess
- TProcessUTF8
- TProgressBar
- TRadioButton
- TRadioGroup
- Transparent
- TReplaceDialog
- TSaveDialog
- TSavePictureDialog
- TScrollBar
- TScrollBox
- TSdfDataSet
- TSelectDirectoryDialog
- TServiceManager
- TShape
- TShellListView
- TSimpleIPCClient
- TSimpleIPCServer
- TSpeedButton
- TSpinEdit
- TSpinEditEx