Prerequisites (optional!)
The initial FPC port for WebAssembly required the wasm-ld from the LLVM project. LLVM 11.0 and 12.0.1 are known to work. The latest FPC version contains an internal linker, making this requirement strictly optional. You can skip this part if you want to.
Development was done, using the Fedora packages llvm-11.0.0-1.fc33.x86_64 and lld-11.0.0-1.fc33.x86_64.
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04. wasm-ld is part of package lld-12. Install it and set necessary symlinks:
% sudo apt install lld-12 % ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-12/bin/wasm-ld ~/bin/wasm32-wasi-wasm-ld % ln -sf /usr/lib/llvm-12/bin/wasm-ld ~/bin/wasm32-embedded-wasm-ld
Note: This assumes you have a $HOME/bin directory and it is in PATH.
Tested on macOS Catalina with LLVM 11. For MacPorts wasm-ld is part of package llvm-11; upon installation it exists as wasm-ld-mp-11. Install the package and set necessary symlinks:
% sudo port install llvm-11 % ln -sf /opt/local/bin/wasm-ld-mp-11 ~/bin/wasm32-wasi-wasm-ld % ln -sf /opt/local/bin/wasm-ld-mp-11 ~/bin/wasm32-embedded-wasm-ld
Note: This assumes you have a $HOME/bin directory and it is in PATH.
Tested on macOS Monterey 12.5.1: wasm-ld is part of the official clang release for macOS: https://releases.llvm.org/download.html#11.1.0
Unpack it. When running wasm-ld, macOS might warn, that ldd cannot be verified. Open the System Preferences / Security / General. There should be ldd, unlock, then click Open Anyway.
Windows 10
Tested on Windows 10 Home 21H2. Download the LLVM 12.0.1 64-bit Windows installer. You are encouraged to verify the GPG signature on the installer. As administrator, run the installer. Let's say you installed into C:\llvm. Enable Windows 'developer mode' if you have not done so. Then set necessary symlinks:
C:\> cd llvm\bin C:\llvm\bin> mklink wasm32-wasi-wasm-ld.exe wasm-ld.exe C:\llvm\bin> mklink wasm32-embedded-wasm-ld.exe wasm-ld.exe
Add C:\llvm\bin to your PATH.
Obtaining the compiler sources
Linux and macOS
The WebAssembly compiler target is part of the 'main' branch of the GitLab FPC source repo. Get the source:
% git clone https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source.git fpc
Enter the sources directory:
% cd fpc
The WebAssembly compiler target is part of the 'main' branch of the GitLab FPC source repo. Get the source:
C:\Users\OnlyMe> git clone https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source.git fpc
Enter the sources directory:
C:\Users\OnlyMe> cd fpc
Building and installing
If you are new to building the compiler, see Installing the Free Pascal Compiler and Cross compiling.
FPC supports two WebAssembly compilation targets: WASI and embedded.
Compilation target: WASIp1
This target supports the WebAssembly System Interface Preview 1 (WASI 0.1).
Linux and macOS
Build the compiler and FPC units for the WASIp1 target:
% make clean all OS_TARGET=wasip1 CPU_TARGET=wasm32 BINUTILSPREFIX= OPT="-O-" PP=fpc
Then, install, using INSTALL_PREFIX to specify a destination within your home directory:
% make crossinstall OS_TARGET=wasip1 CPU_TARGET=wasm32 INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/fpcwasm
Note: On macOS you might have to add -XR/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk to OPT.
Make a link to the cross compiler executable ppcrosswasm32:
% ln -sf ~/fpcwasm/lib/fpc/3.3.1/ppcrosswasm32 ~/bin/ppcrosswasm32
Note: This assumes you have a $HOME/bin directory and it is in PATH.
Make sure the Windows native compiler fpc.exe and the FPC-bundled make.exe are in your PATH. Especially ensure that the FPC make.exe comes first in your PATH; using another make.exe (such as the one installed by Delphi) that happens to be ahead in PATH may not work.
Build the compiler and FPC units for the WASIp1 target:
C:\Users\OnlyMe\fpc> make clean all OS_TARGET=wasip1 CPU_TARGET=wasm32 BINUTILSPREFIX= OPT="-O-" PP=fpc
Then, install, using INSTALL_PREFIX to specify a destination folder:
C:\Users\OnlyMe\fpc> make crossinstall OS_TARGET=wasip1 CPU_TARGET=wasm32 INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\fpcwasm PP=fpc
Add C:\fpcwasm\bin\x86_64-win64 to your PATH to easily run the compiler ppcrosswasm32.exe.
Compilation target: WASIp1threads
This target supports the WebAssembly System Interface Preview 1 (WASI 0.1) with the wasi-threads proposal.
Building the compiler is the same, as described in the previous section, except that OS_TARGET=wasip1 needs to be replaced with OS_TARGET=wasip1threads.
To build programs for this platform, add the
compiler option, otherwise it will target wasip1 by default.
Compilation target: Embedded
Linux and macOS
Build the compiler and FPC units for the 'embedded' target:
% make clean all OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=wasm32 BINUTILSPREFIX= OPT="-O-" PP=fpc
Then, install, using INSTALL_PREFIX to specify a destination within your home directory:
% make crossinstall OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=wasm32 INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/fpcwasm
If you have not built and installed the WASI cross compiler, then make a link to the cross compiler executable ppcrosswasm32;
% ln -sf ~/fpcwasm/lib/fpc/3.3.1/ppcrosswasm32 ~/bin/ppcrosswasm32
Note: This assumes you have a $HOME/bin directory and it is in PATH.
Make sure the Windows native compiler fpc.exe and the FPC-bundled make.exe are in your PATH. Especially ensure that the FPC make.exe comes first in your PATH; using another make.exe (such as the one installed by Delphi) that happens to be ahead in PATH may not work.
Build the compiler and FPC units for the 'embedded' target:
C:\Users\OnlyMe\fpc> make clean all OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=wasm32 BINUTILSPREFIX= OPT="-O-" PP=fpc
Then, install, using INSTALL_PREFIX to specify a destination folder:
C:\Users\OnlyMe\fpc> make crossinstall OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=wasm32 INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\fpcwasm PP=fpc
Add C:\fpcwasm\bin\x86_64-win64 to your PATH if you have not already done so.
Using the compiler
For Linux and macOS, if you have installed the cross compiler and units into $HOME/fpcwasm (as per the commands used above), then you need to configure $HOME/.fpc.cfg so that the cross compiler can locate its units.
For Ubuntu, add these lines:
#ifdef cpuwasm32 -Fu/home/yourusername/fpcwasm/lib/fpc/$fpcversion/units/$fpctarget/* -Fu/home/yourusername/fpcwasm/lib/fpc/$fpcversion/units/$fpctarget/rtl #endif
For macOS, add these lines:
#ifdef cpuwasm32 -Fu/Users/yourusername/fpcwasm/lib/fpc/$fpcversion/units/$fpctarget/* -Fu/Users/yourusername/fpcwasm/lib/fpc/$fpcversion/units/$fpctarget/rtl #endif
On Windows, if you have set C:\fpcwasm\bin\x86_64-win64 directory in your PATH, then ppcrosswasm32.exe will be able to find its units.
Using the compiler with Lazarus
When you create a new Lazarus project for a wasm program you can use the Simple Program template and then adjust the Project / Project Options / Compiler Options:
- Paths / Target file name: Lazarus 2.3.0 (Dec 28th 2021) appends the required .wasm file extension to the output file. To support older IDEs disable Apply conventions and set <programname>.wasm.
- Config and Target / Target platform:
- Target OS: Wasi
- Target CPU: wasm32
- Debugging / Generate info for debugger: disable (Dec 28th 2021: otherwise you will get can't find unit linfodwrf)
- Compiler Commands / Compiler / Command: If you are using different fpc versions / folders you can here set the path to ppcrosswasm32 (e.g. Linux: /usr/lib/fpc/3.3.1/ppcrosswasm32)