User talk:Minesadorada

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I hope you will be able to help me. I would like to make use of your Foobot dashboard programs to help us analyze the air in our archive storage rooms. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get them running on my Windows machines. The problem is that the Foobot Interrogator throws a "Could not initialize OpenSLL library" error. As a retired software engineer, I tried all the combinations of OpenSSL installs and directory locations but I have failed to figure out what the problem is. I know that the Interrogator uses two OpenSSL libraries, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll, and I finally found that the OpenSSL development team renamed these. I have not yet determined why your code is failing to initialize the libraries.

I hope you can find a few minutes to explain what causes this error and an approach to fixing it. We really need a tool like yours to get our project done.

With thanks in advance,