User talk:Dalcymru

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I am an ex-Delphi, windows-only, linux still-ignorant-but-trying, and plodding Python under Raspbian, octogenerian. I have current fpc and Lazarus working on windows 7, using an Intel processor. Also earlier Lazarus and fpc, running under Debian Linux, on a Raspberry Pi. Having now acquired a Raspberrypi B+, I wonder if anyone is working on updating Lazarus etc for the RaspbianOS, and would welcome an idiots HowTo.


Hi DalCymru,

Welcome, ex-Delphi, Windows-only, Linux-learning coder ;)

The best place to ask these kinds of questions is on the forum or mailing list as many people don't read wiki talk pages.

I'm assuming you've seen Lazarus_on_Raspberry_Pi?

I'm sure people would love to help you further on the forum/mailing list.

Regards, --BigChimp 12:27, 21 July 2014 (CEST)