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FreePascal, Lazarus, and Delphi enthusiast.

I'm also on the wiki and a couple of others.

Some FPC projects:

-I'm building a FPC based wiki with help of Pascal Server Pages 
 and should be ready at the end of May.
-A Remote compiler. Linux server is coded with FPC, Windows GUI 
 Client is in Delphi. Compile ELF executables from a windows machine. 
 Either use coLinux and compile right inside windows with no Linux
 at all, OR compile an ELF on a linux box within your network, then 
 have access to the Elf on windows.
-The above remote compiler will be integrated into Lazarus for Win32
 DevPascal and Text505 Editor. Right now, it's just a program that I
 use to compile Elf's from windows, but I will be making it into a 
 plugin for those IDE's.
-Lots of other Delphi projects on the go.