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A.J. Venter

Well I have been using lazarus for several years now. I am the former chief software architect for OpenLab International and there I developed a lot of our products and tools in it. These days I run my own company OutKast Solutions doing development, consulting and support services - including some pretty big lazarus projects.

My contributions


OLpack A set of utility components and units we use daily in OpenLab projects. Includes TScreenSize.

svn co svn://

Gamepack A set of components for game development. Specifically: TDoubleBuffer and TSprite. Also includes an updated version of Tony Maro's TESDSound Component.

svn co svn://

Lazarus itself:

  • Wrote the original versions of the SetWindowFullScreen, GrabMouseToForm and GrabKeyBoardToForm functions for GTK1 (I claim no credit for the GTK2 versions and the current GTK1 versions was hugely enhanced and largely rewritten by Mattias).
  • Contributed bugfix for turboPower_Ipro to allow creation of descendent components.
  • Wrote the orriginal font/color support for GTK2
  • Co-Wrote the TPopupNotifier "balloon help" component along with Felipe.

My active projects:

Just the major ones here

  • TappyTux - is this the first proper game done in Lazarus ? Powerful modular educational games suite for children.
  • OutKafe - A powerful, feature-rich, extensible and multiplatform cybercafe management suite(successor to DireqCafe forked from ZybaCafe).

My former projects (Some may now be defunct)

  • OpenLab installer, admin utilities like olad and others.
  • OpenBook Digital Library searchable, sortable, multiplatform index tool for project gutenberg DVD.
  • ReadySteadyGo A premium selection of free software for windows - unified installer. Think openCD but better.
  • Wole Digital Essistant for OpenLab.



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