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Hi all! This suppose to be personal page I presume....

Couple of words then. I am an IT engineer, been programming since late 70ties. Have tried many things and FPC is not of my exclusive interest but once upon a time I have spent hours, days and months breathing pascal and that was not only on PC/DOS but also on VAX systems. Many things catch my attention. FPC is some sort of comeback to old days but also I find it JUST EXCELLENT tool for x-development.

I work mostly on Macs, but in fact most of my time I have spent on UNIXes. In spite of that there were periods of life I hang on in windows. If this programming flare continue, maybe as an old gun I could even move to mobile area ;)

I will try to contribute back some of my findings in order to help others, as many people have helped me in discovering of the programming world.

Currently I am exploring sockets. Planning to tell my experience on ljgww.fpc.sockets