Talk:Compile and Develop on Maemo device

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I don't understand the purpose of this part of the instructions:

In order to avoid this, go to compiler/systems and change t_linux.pas so that it contain path to the /lib/ instead of /lib/, because we do not have /lib/ on Maemo4 and Maemo5. This is a [quote] from the freepascal mailing list:

FPC svn trunk already selects for Linux/ARM when compiling with -dFPC_ARMEL: (search for FPC_ARMEL, first hit). This code is even already in FPC 2.4.x. -dFPC_ARMEL is automatically defined by a native ARMEL compiler, so this code will also be used when running the native ARM compiler on your phone. No source modifications are necessary to compile/cycle FPC on Linux/ARMEL platforms (it works fine on e.g. Beagleboard and Tegra)

Jonas 14:35, 7 January 2011 (CET)