Pascal and Lazarus Books and Magazines
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Books about Free Pascal
- Free Pascal and Lazarus - A textbook on programming by Alekseev E.R., Chesnokova O.V., Kucher T.V., ISBN 978-5-94074-611-9, translated from the original Russian into English by Norm G. PDF and EPUB version. 2021 (English translation). PDF Original. 2010 (Russian original).
- FreePascal from SquareOne (free PDF book) by Jeff Duntemann, 2019.
- Modern Object Pascal Introduction for Programmers by Michalis Kamburelis, 2018, PDF or HTML.
- Free Pascal 2 by Michaël van Canneyt, Florian Klämpfl, CUL 2012, Paperback, ISBN 9783936546729 - The official Free Pascal book in German (out of print).
Books about Lazarus

- Introduction to the Lazarus IDE by Lazar Hristov, 2024, book ISBN 978-619-7546-86-6, PDF and examples, April 2024, in English.
- Въведение в програмната среда Lazarus - Introduction to the Lazarus IDE by Lazar Hristov, 2023, book ISBN 978-619-7546-86-6, PDF and examples, July 2023. in Bulgarian.
- Professional Programming From the Beginning: With Free Pascal and the Free Development Environment Lazarus, Part 1 by Wilfried Koch, book ISBN 9783945899-31-1, October 2020.
- Professional Programming From the Beginning: With Free Pascal and the Free Development Environment Lazarus, Part 1 by Wilfried Koch, book and CD ISBN 9783945899-37-3, October 2020.
- Lazarus Handbook by Michaël van Canneyt, Martin Friebe, Mattias Gärtner, Inoussa Ouedraogo, Detlef Overbeek, Howard Page Clark and Werner Pamler, Blaise Pascal Magazine, August 2020, ISBN 978-94-90968-02-1 (PDF), ISBN 978-94-90968-13-7 (hard cover), ISBN 978-94-90-968-97-7 (soft cover).
- Professionelles Programmieren von Anfang an: Mit Free Pascal und der freien Entwicklungsumgebung Lazarus, Teil 2 by Wilfried Koch, book ISBN 9783945899-25-0, May 2020, in German.
- Professionelles Programmieren von Anfang an: Mit Free Pascal und der freien Entwicklungsumgebung Lazarus, Teil 2 by Wilfried Koch, book and CD ISBN 9783945899-04-5 May 2020, in German.
- Start Programming using Object Pascal Language by Motaz Abdel Azeem (forum member motaz), October 2019, free PDF book. Covers both Free Pascal and Lazarus.
- Professionelles Programmieren von Anfang an: Mit Free Pascal und der freien Entwicklungsumgebung Lazarus, Teil 1 by Wilfried Koch, book ISBN 9783945899-01-4, July 2016, in German.
- Professionelles Programmieren von Anfang an: Mit Free Pascal und der freien Entwicklungsumgebung Lazarus, Teil 1 by Wilfried Koch, book and CD ISBN 9783945899-08-3 July 2016, in German.
- Iniciar com Lazarus e Free Pascal by Menkaura Abiola-Ellison, ISBN-10: 0993272320, ISBN-13: 978-0993272325, Mka Publishing Ltd, May 2015, in Portuguese.
- Iniciar con Lazarus y Free Pascal by Menkaura Abiola-Ellison, ISBN-10: 0993272312, ISBN-13: 978-0993272318, Mka Publishing, May 2015, in Spanish.
- Getting Started with Lazarus and Free Pascal by Menkaura Abiola-Ellison, Paperback and ebook 2015, in English. Includes chapters on Web Dev, DB using SQL, 2D & 3D Graphics, Debugging and more.
- Getting Started with Lazarus IDE by Roderick Person, ISBN 9781782163404, Packt Publishing, February 2013, in English.
- Learn to program using Lazarus by Howard Page-Clark, 2013, ISBN 978-94-90968-04-5, PDF, covers Object Pascal and Lazarus in a tutorial approach, in English.
- Componentes de software en Pascal para el filtrado digital de señales by Juan Carlos Sepúlveda Peña, Danay Pérez Ramírez, Anailec Venero Perdomo, 2011, Editorial Académica Española, Paperback, ISBN 978-3846570982, in Spanish. Covers component-based development of digital signal filters with Free Pascal and Lazarus.
- Lazarus Free Pascal - Développement rapide by Matthieu Giroux, 2013, in French.
- Lazarus - Klassenbibliothek und IDE by M. van Canneyt, M. Gärtner, S. Heinig, F. Monteiro de Cavalho, I. Ouedraogo, CUL 2011, Paperback, ISBN 9783936546637. The official Lazarus Book in German. Out of print.
- Desenvolvendo Aplicativos com Lazarus by Jean Patrick, 2011, in Portuguese.
- Lazarus - The Complete Guide by M. van Canneyt, M. Gärtner, S. Heinig, F. Monteiro de Cavalho, I. Ouedraogo: Blaise Pascal Magazine 2011, Paperback, ISBN 9789490968021- The official Lazarus Book in English. Out of print.
- Programando com o Lazarus by Vitor Amadeu Souza, 2010, in Portuguese.
Books about Pascal (or SQL) that are helpful, though not dealing specifically with Free Pascal or Lazarus
These books do not cover Lazarus or Free Pascal specifically but can still be very useful.
- Essential Pascal - Introduction to Pascal by Marco Cantu. Written originally in English but now translated into many languages.
- Object Pascal Handbook - A new book by Marco Cantù, published August 2015.
- Essential Delphi - Delphi and Lazarus share many concepts and this book can help you understand Lazarus as well. Published April 2002. Source code download for the book.
- Computer Math and Games in Pascal by David Dirkse. Published November 2015.
- Essential SQL - Useful if you use a SQL-based RDBMS such as Firebird, Interbase, PostgreSQL with FPC/Lazarus
- Getting Started with Firebird SQL Database by Menkaura Abiola-Ellison. Published February 2019.
- Pascal User Manual and Report ISO Pascal standard by Working Group 2 of the ISO committee lEC JTC I/SC22
- Delphi Basics - A booklike website that "provides help and reference for the fundamentals of the Delphi language. It gives an introduction to the Delphi Object Oriented Language for newcomers, and provides a ready reference for experienced programmers."
Periodicals which publish content about Free Pascal and Lazarus
- Blaise Pascal Magazine - A bi-monthly magazine dedicated to all types of Pascal programming, including Lazarus/Free Pascal, Delphi. Offers English, Dutch and Russian editions.
- Clube Delphi - From Brazil in Portuguese. Mostly dedicated to Delphi, but also publishes Free Pascal/Lazarus material regularly.
- Pascal Gamer Magazine - a free, online, downloadable (PDF) publication devoted to game development in Pascal
Periodic Magazines which publish content about other Pascal variants
- Entwickler Magazin A German magazine on software development that occasionally includes articles on Delphi.
Scientific journals, which publish articles on Pascal, Free Pascal or Lazarus
- Olympiads in Informatics. A refereed scholarly journal that is focused on research and practice of professionals who work in the field of teaching and learning informatics. ISSN 1822-7732
External Links
See also
- Academic citation
- Scientific publications
- Free Pascal Documentation User's guide, Programmer's guide, Language reference guide, Run-Time Library (RTL) units reference manual, Free Component Library (FCL) units reference manual, Free Component Library (FCL) Resource units reference manual, fpdoc documentation tool reference manual, Reference chart with all compiler options and switches.
- Lazarus Documentation