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This article applies to Android only.
See also: Multiplatform Programming Guide
LAMW: Lazarus Android Module Wizard is a wizard to create JNI Android loadable module (.so) and Android Apk using Lazarus/Free Pascal.
- Native Android GUI
- AppCompat and Material Design supported!
- RAD! Form designer and drag&drop component development model!
- More than 140 components!
- Github Page:
Get Lazarus for Android
Laz4Android 2.0.12 (Windows)
- All cross-android compilers already installed!
- arm-android/aarch64-android/i386-android/x86_64-android/jvm-android
- How to
- Install * Laz4Android 2.0.12

- Install * LAMW

- Packages installations order/sequence:
- tfpandroidbridge_pack.lpk (in "..../android_bridges" folder)
- lazandroidwizardpack.lpk (in ""..../android_wizard" folder)
- amw_ide_tools.lpk (in "..../ide_tools" folder)
- Go to Infrastructure.
LAMW Manager (Linux and Windows)

- Install * LAMW Manager Installer for Linux
- Install * LAMW Manager Installer for Windows
Install LAMW using fpcupdeluxe (Linux and Windows)
Do It Yourself! (Windows)
- Install * Lazarus 2.0.12

- Install * LAMW

- Packages installations order/sequence:
- tfpandroidbridge_pack.lpk (in "..../android_bridges" folder)
- lazandroidwizardpack.lpk (in ""..../android_wizard" folder)
- amw_ide_tools.lpk (in "..../ide_tools" folder)
- Install * FPC source code (trunk)
- Download FPC source code and unzip it in some folder and point up the source path in next step
- Go to Lazarus menu "Tools" >> "[LAMW] Android Module Wizard" >> "Build FPC Cross Android"

- (x) Armv7a + Soft (android 32 bits << tested!)
- Build
- Install
- (x) Aarch64 (android 64 bits << tested!)
- Build
- Install

- If you get an error "Fatal: Cannot find unit system used by fcllaz of package FCL" when trying "Run" >> "Build" your project then go to "fpc.cfg" (ex. "C:\lazarus2.0.12\fpc\3.2.0\bin") and:
- change:
- #searchpath for units and other system dependent things
- -FuC:\lazarus2.0.12\fpc\$FPCVERSION/units/$fpctarget
- -FuC:\lazarus2.0.12\fpc\$FPCVERSION/units/$fpctarget/*
- -FuC:\lazarus2.0.12\fpc\$FPCVERSION/units/$fpctarget/rtl
- to:
- #searchpath for units and other system dependent things
- -FuC:\lazarus2.0.12\fpc\3.2.0/units/$fpctarget
- -FuC:\lazarus2.0.12\fpc\3.2.0/units/$fpctarget/*
- -FuC:\lazarus2.0.12\fpc\3.2.0/units/$fpctarget/rtl
- And go to Lazarus IDE menu "Tools" >> "Options" >> "Environment" >> [FPC Source]
- change:
- $(LazarusDir)fpc\$(FPCVer)\source
- to:
- $(LazarusDir)fpc\3.2.0\source

Get Java JDK
- Install * Java JDK 8
Get Android NDK
- Install * r19c
Get Ant builder
- Install * Ant
- Simply extract the zip file to a convenient location...
Get Gradle builder
- Install * Gradle 6.6.1

Get Android SDK
- Install * r25.2.5-windows
- Install * r25.2.5-linux
- Install * r25.2.5-macosx
- How to
- unpacked/install to a "sdk" folder
- open a command line terminal and go to folder "sdk/tools"
- run the command >> "android update sdk" to open a GUI "SDK Manager"
- Go to [Tools] and keep "as is"
- Android SDK Tools (installed)
- (x) Android SDK Platform-Tools
- (x) Android SDK Build-Tools 29.0.3 (and others more recent)
- Go to [Android R] and uncheck all!
- Go to [Android 10 API 29] uncheck all and check only
- (x)SDK Platform
- Go to [Extras] and check:
- (x)Android Support Repository
- (x)Google USB Drive (Windows only...)
- (x)Google Repository
- (x)Google Play Services
- [Install 7 package!]
Using LAMW
Configure Paths
- Lazarus IDE menu "Tools" >> "[LAMW] Android Module Wizard" >> "Paths Settings ..."

Create and Run your first Android Apk
- How to
- From Lazarus IDE select "Project" >> "New Project"
- From displayed dialog select "[LAMW] GUI Android Module" and "Ok"
- Fill the form/dialog fields and "Ok"

- "Save" unit1 as/where suggested

- From Lazarus IDE select "Run" >> "Build"
- Success! Your system is up to produce your first Android Apk!
- Configure your phone device to debug mode and plug it to the computer usb port
- From Lazarus IDE select "Run" >> "[LAMW] Build Apk and Run"
- Congratulations! You are now an Android Developer!