In the News

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This page is an attempt to record all the news stories about Free Pascal and Lazarus. I say "an attempt" because it will undoubtedly fail and be consigned to the dustbin of history if no-one contributes news stories that they know of or stumble across. It is not something which any one individual can do alone. It takes a community. As the longest journey begins with the first step, here is that first step.


14 March 2024
24 Best Linux Compilers for Modern Developers
Compilers play an important role in the development of modern software and systems. They're... Full text by Mehedi Hasan at ubuntupit


22 December 2023
Lazarus 3.0 Released for Freepascal Development
Lazarus 3.0 IDE Released. Full text at altusintel
22 December 2023
Introducing Lazarus 3.0, a FreePascal Development Environment
After almost two years of development published release of the integrated development environment Lazarus 3.0 compiler ... Full text at Gamindeputy
15 September 2023
LazPaint Image Editor for PC with Layers and Vector Shapes
We came across a cool-looking software a while back called LazPaint, which is ... Full text at TheWindowsClub


29 March 2022
5 Cross-Platform Libraries and Frameworks for Desktop Development
Although web and mobile are where you'll find most developer action these days, desktop is not yet dead. Desktop applications are generally fast ... Full text at
6 January 2022
Issue Lazarus 2.2.0, Development Environment for Free Pascal
After three years of development, the Lazarus 2.2.0 integrated development environment has been released, based on the Free Pascal Compiler 3.2.2 ... Full text


5 November 2021
Lazarus 2.2 RC2 released for testing
You can help improve the upcoming Lazarus 2.2 (with FPC 3.2.2) by downloading and testing this release candidate. Full details
2 September
InstallAware Software Announces New InstallAware Multi-Platform, Launching Contest for Best Multi-Platform Installer Dialog Theme.
InstallAware Multi-Platform is a brand-new native code application deployment solution for Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems, free from any dependencies on Java or other brittle platform components. Full text at Cision
27 July
TMS FNC Maps v2.0, TMS FNC Core v2.6, TMS FNC UI Pack v3.5
New updates are available for TMS FNC products, with many new features! Cross platform - Delphi and Lazarus. Full details
12 July
Lazarus 2.2 RC1 released for testing
You can help improve the upcoming Lazarus 2.2 (with FPC 3.2.2) by downloading and testing this release candidate. Full details
26 June
Habarisoft STOMP client libraries
Habarisoft released new versions of its Object Pascal STOMP client libraries for integration with popular open source message brokers. Habari Client for ActiveMQ 6.10 – tested with Apache ActiveMQ 5.16.2; Habari Client for Artemis 6.10 – tested with ActiveMQ Artemis 2.17.0; Habari Client for OpenMQ 6.10 – tested with Eclipse GlassFish 6.0; Habari Client for RabbitMQ 6.10 – tested with RabbitMQ 3.8.17. Full details
8 June
How to install the Lazarus IDE on Linux
Interested in developing a graphical user interface (GUI) application for Linux? Consider Lazarus as the integrated development environment (IDE) of choice. This article shows you how to install the Lazarus IDE on popular Linux distributions, including: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and openSUSE. Lazarus, with its wealth of included components, enables you to quickly design and build attractive looking GUI applications on Linux. Full story
26 May
Free Pascal + Lazarus added to French Government recommended list
Lazarus and Free Pascal have been to the French Government recommended list of Free and Open Source Software for Public Services. Free Pascal entry and Lazarus entry.
21 May
Free Pascal 3.2.2 released!
Free Pascal 3.2.2 is a minor release of the 3.2.x fixes branch containing mostly bug fixes, plus some updates for included packages. A new target aarch64-darwin was also backported from trunk. Full details
17 May
InstallAware Software's New InstallAware Multi-Platform uses Lazarus + Free Pascal
“We’re building on the shoulders of giants,” says Sinan Karaca, Founder of InstallAware Software. “Our existing Windows-native Delphi code forms are porting virtually seamlessly to macOS and Linux via the exciting cross platform Lazarus IDE, itself based on the cross platform Free Pascal compiler stack. The maturity of both these platforms are enabling our successes in bringing the very best InstallAware has to offer to Linux and macOS today, and an ever-growing number of native platforms tomorrow.” Full story
29 April
5 Great Raspberry Pi IDEs For Programmers and Students
Planning to learn to program on Raspberry Pi? These Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) all run on Raspberry Pi OS. Full details at MUO.
25 March
TRichView 19.2, ReportWorkshop 3.1 - Markdown import, Adit Math Engine, list style types, calendar functions
In this update: Markdown import improvements in paragraph list and HTML; new calendar functions for ReportWorkshop expressions; special support for commercial version of Adit Math Engine; AbsoluteDB demo for ReportWorkshop. Full details.
24 March
Free Pascal 3.2.2-rc1 released!
You can help improve the upcoming 3.2.2 release by downloading and testing this release. If you want you can report what you have done at Testers_3.2.2 or in the mailing list. Changes that may break backwards compatibility documented in User_Changes_3.2.2. Downloads are available at The evaluation time frame for this release is at least two weeks, so bug reports within that period will be looked at before the final release is branched.
50 years of Pascal, by Niklaus Wirth
Communications of the ACM, March 2021, Vol. 64 No. 3, Pages 39-41.
25 February
IBX 2.4.0 for Lazarus now available
MWA Software is pleased to announce the release of version 2.4.0 of IBX for Lazarus. This version supports the new Firebird 4 data types and has been tested with the latest version of Lazarus (2.0.12) and FPC (3.2.0). All users are recommended to upgrade to this version. It is available for download from MWA Software. Full details.
21 February
The PasDoc Developers have released PasDoc 0.16.0, a Pascal documentation generator. It's a big release gathering lots of small and large features we made in the last ~3 years. There is also a new website and the source code has been moved to GitHub. Full details.
20 February
Habarisoft STOMP client libraries
Habarisoft released new versions of its Object Pascal STOMP client libraries for integration with popular open source message brokers: ActiveMQ 6.8 – tested with Apache ActiveMQ 5.16.0; Artemis 6.8 – tested with ActiveMQ Artemis 2.16.0; OpenMQ 6.8 – tested with Eclipse GlassFish 6.0.0; RabbitMQ 6.8 – tested with RabbitMQ 3.8.9 and 3.8.11. 20% discount (30% for upgrades; 70% if within last year) until 31 March, 2021. Full details.
10 January
TRichView components update
TRichView and ScaleRichView components are compatible with Lazarus (32-bit and 64-bit Windows targets). TRichView is an advanced rich text editor; ScaleRichView is a WYSIWYG editor. Full story.


12 December
Habarisoft STOMP client libraries
Habarisoft has announced the 2020.12 release of its STOMP client libraries for free open source message brokers. This release has been tested with the ActiveMQ 5.16.0, ActiveMQ Artemis 2.16.0, Eclipse OpenMQ 6.0.0-M1 and RabbitMQ 3.8.9 message brokers. 20% discount (30% for upgrades) before Jan 8, 2021. Full details.
22 October
Free Pascal hashlist race
Which hashlist is the fastest? And which one consumes the least amount of memory? Full story.
21 October
TMS FNC Maps v1.2 - cross platform - Delphi and Lazarus
Since the first release we have been working hard and only 4 months after the release, we pushed out an update (v1.1) for TMS FNC Maps with loads of exciting stuff. Now, we are here with another update (v1.2), that brings even more exciting features and a new service. Full story.
16 October
FPC expression evaluator
While working on debugging Free Pascal applications, I wrote a new library to evaluate Pascal expressions, using fcl-passrc. Full story.
11 October
Daraja HTTP Framework for Delphi and Free Pascal
Daraja is a flexible HTTP framework for Object Pascal, based on the HTTP server in the free open-source library Internet Direct (Indy). Full story.
23 September
Delphi 2009 GDI+ Library written by Erik van Bilsen ported to Lazarus
Full story.
22 September
TMS FNC UI Pack v3.2 Revealing some highly anticipated components
We already have an extensive set of powerful and feature-rich UI controls in our TMS FNC UI Pack we’ve added 5 new components which were requested by you, our community of great developers who see the enormous advantages of components that can be used on VCL, TMS Web Core, FMX and Lazarus with just one code base. Full story.
19 September
Castle Game Engine -- PASCAL LIVES!!!
Today we are taking a look at the long running Castle Game Engine, an engine I have been getting requests to cover for years now. This is an Object Pascal (using the Lazarus IDE and Free Pascal Compiler) based 2D/3D open source game engine. Gamefromscratch YouTube video.
Create Demo Application Using Lazarus for Android
Basic steps for creating a very simple Android program using Lazarus. Full story and video.
4 September
Top 10 Programming Languages that Pay Handsome Salaries in 2020
Report by Vivek Kumar
Permalink in WayBackEngine
28 August
New in Delphi DAC - Support for the Latest Versions of Lazarus and FPC
We are excited to announce that new versions of Delphi data access components are now generally available. All DAC products received support for the latest versions of Lazarus (2.0.10) and Free Pascal Compiler (3.2.0). Full story: (broken URL because of anti-spam blocking).
20 August
The Lazarus Handbook has just been published
Full story.
19 August
Object Pascal examples for Firebird OO API
The aim of these examples is to copy as closely as possible the equivalent C++ examples. The primary intention is to demonstrate how to make calls to the new Firebird OO API. Full story.
20 July
Important - New SDL2 Repo!
The repository to get the newest, up to date, SDL2 units has changed. It can now be found here: Full story.
Pas2js with generics rocks (and makes Castle Game Engine for WebGL possible)
pas2js can translate modern Object Pascal to JavaScript, making it possible to run Pascal code in a WWW browser. In the past, pas2js didn’t support generics, which made porting CGE to it troublesome, as we use generics a lot. Full story.
18 July
Free Pascal Compiler Supports Apple Silicon M1 Processors
The trunk version (svn or git) of the Free Pascal Compiler now supports the Apple Silicon M1 Processors found in the new MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and Mac mini.
11 July
Lazarus 2.0.10 released
This is a bug fix release that also features a small number of additions. It is the first Lazarus version based on FPC 3.2.0.
Official announcement in the Lazarus forum
Announcement at
24 June
Free Pascal Compiler 3.2.0 Released for AmigaOS & MorphOS
Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) is a compiler for the closely related programming language dialects Pascal and Object Pascal. It is free software released under the GNU License. It follows a write once, compile anywhere philosophy and is available for many CPU architectures and operating systems. Full story.
23 June
Release the pressure
WIN16 Support Arives for v3.2 oif Free Pascal
Five years since the last update, the team celebrates 50 years of the language with more architectures. Full Story.
22 June
Release the pressure - Win16 support arrives for version 3.2 of Free Pascal
Great news, Pascal fans. After a lengthy hiatus, the cross-platform Free Pascal has emerged with an array of new features and new targets. Version 3.2.0 of Free Pascal has arrived in the 50th anniversary year of the Pascal language with new features and compiler targets, including Aarch64 and the venerable 16-bit Windows. Full story.
20 June
FPC 3.2 Pascal Compiler Released In 2020 - Even Adds Windows 3.0 16-bit Support
The Pascal programming language is 50 years old this year. The Free Pascal Compiler for Pascal / Object Pascal is out with version 3.2 to celebrate, five years since FPC's previous 3.0 stable series. Full story.
Habari Client libraries 2020.06
Habarisoft released version 2020.06 of its Object Pascal STOMP client libraries for Delphi and Free Pascal integration with popular free open source message brokers. Full story.
19 June
Free Pascal 3.2.0
On June 19th, 2020, the Free Pascal project released Free Pascal 3.2.0. This version is a major new release and contains bugfixes and updates packages, new features and new targets. From a DOS standpoint, the major highlights in this release are improved 16-bit DOS compiler, and a new 16-bit Win 3.x compiler. Full story.
29 May
This'll make you feel old - Uni compsci favourite Pascal hits the big five-oh this year
Pascal, a descendant of ALGOL 60 and darling of computer science courses for decades, turns 50 this year. Full story.
1 May
Blaise Pascal Magazine #86 published
Table of contents
18 April
MWA Software's Firebird Pascal Interface
MWA Software is pleased to announce the release of its Firebird Pascal API package (fbintf). This package has been derived from IBX for Lazarus and is part of the IBX2 development. Full story.
17 April
Australian Delphi User Group - Melbourne Meeting
How Lazarus could be used with SQLite, Firebird, ODBC and MySQL in a very similar way to Delphi. The program could be built for a variety of platforms, even including Raspberry Pi. Full story.
30 March
6 best software to view or read XML files
The software XML Tree Editor, which is written with Lazarus / Free Pascal, is among the recommended applications in this article that Radu Tyrsina wrote for windowsreport.
Full story
21 March
Why is Free Pascal better than PHP?
A nonsensical ramble on type systems by Jakub Tapuć.
Full story
17 February
Australian Delphi User Group - Melbourne Meeting
If you’re interested in a cross-platform alternative to Delphi, or you are concerned about Embarcadero’s redefinition of perpetual, you should take a look at Free Pascal. Full story


9 October
Create a web scraper with Free Pascal & Lazarus
by Marcus Fernström
Full story.

See also

  • Press Kit - background information for people who want to publish Free Pascal and Lazarus related news.