How To Write Lazarus Component/ko
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컴포넌츠 빌드방법에 대한 기본 안내서이다. 윈도우7 라자루스 0.9.30버전에서 테스트 되었다.
단계 1: 패키지 생성
- On the Lazarus IDE menu, click Package > New Package to run the Package Manager.
- A Save dialog file will appear. Chose a folder and a filename and press save. If the IDE prompts for using lowercase filenames press 'yes'.
- Congratulations: You have just created your first package!
단계 2: 유닛 생성
You can create a new unit or use an existing file.
새로운 유닛 생성
- Use the Add button > New component.
- Choose a component like TComboBox.
- Choose customcontrol1.pas as filename.
- Click OK.
unit CustomControl1;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TCustomControl1 = class(TComboBox)
{ Private declarations }
{ Protected declarations }
{ Public declarations }
{ Published declarations }
procedure Register;
procedure Register;
- Install the package by clicking the 'install' button at the top of the package editor.
- Then the IDE will ask you, if the IDE should be rebuilt. Say yes.
- Restart Lazarus and see your new component in the component palette. Congratulations: You have just installed your first package with your first package component.

기존 유닛 추가
If you already had a unit you can add it to the package:
- Click the Add button, go to the Add Files tab. At the Unit file name, browse to your existing file. Click the Add files to package. If the packet manager complains that the unit is not in the unitpath, click yes to add the directory to the unit path.
- Click the Add button again, go to the Add Files tab and browse to the .lrs file and click OK (See Step 3 about creating this icon file).
- Click the Add button again, go to the New Requirement tab, in the Package name select LCL and click OK.
End result should look like this:
- Click on under the Files tree in the Package Manager. In the File Properties, make sure Register unit is checked.
- Click the Options button. Select the IDE Integration tab. At the Package Type make sure Designtime and Runtime is selected.
- Click the Compile button to check to see if the files compile without errors.
- Click the Install button, Lazarus will rebuild and restart automatically.
The component is created and ready to be used:
단계 3: 패키지 아이콘 생성
아이콘은 PNG 파일로 24x24 사이즈입니다.
FPC is capable of using standard resource files .rc or compiled resources .res since fpc version 2.6
The .lrs
라자루스 이미지 에디터 사용
You can use Lazarus Image Editor to create the icons in .lrs format.
lazres 사용
lazres는 라자루스툴 디렉토리에 있는 located를 사용합니다.
You may need to compile lazres at first use. Simply open the lazres.lpi in the IDE and at the menu click run > build.
Create lrs file
lrs 파일 생성:
~/lazarus/tools/lazres samplepackage.lrs TMyCom.png
Where samplepackage is the name of your package and TMyCom is the name of your component.
You can add more than one image to the lrs file by appending the image filename at the end. Eg. ~/lazarus/tools/lazres samplepackage.lrs TMyCom.png TMyOtherCom.png ...
Following is a sample of the resulting samplepackage.lrs file.
LazarusResources.Add('TMyCom','PNG',[ #137'PNG'#13#10#26#10#0#0#0#13'IHDR'#0#0#0#24#0#0#0#24#8#2#0#0#0'o'#21#170#175 +#0#0#0#4'gAMA'#0#0#177#143#11#252'a'#5#0#0#0'|IDAT8O'#237#212#209#10#192' '#8 +#5'P'#247#231#251's'#215#138#133#164#166'\'#220#195'`'#209'c'#157'L'#173#131 +#153#169'd4'#168'dP'#137'r_'#235'5'#136'@Zmk'#16'd9'#144#176#232#164'1'#247 +'I'#8#160'IL'#206'C'#179#144#12#199#140'.'#134#244#141'~'#168#247#209'S~;'#29 +'V+'#196#201'^'#10#15#150'?'#255#18#227#206'NZ>42'#181#159#226#144#15'@'#201 +#148#168'e'#224'7f<@4'#130'u_YD'#23#213#131#134'Q]'#158#188#135#0#0#0#0'IEND' +#174'B`'#130 ]);
Make sure to include your resource file in your new component source by adding the following at the bottom your component's unit and including "LResources" in the uses clause
{$I samplepackage.lrs}
리컴파일링 패키지
You need to rebuild the package everytime you make changes to the mycom.pas file. To rebuild the package, open the samplepackage.lpk file in the Package Manager and click the Install button.
패키지 제거
- To remove installed components, on the IDE menu, click Package > Configure installed packages. The following image shows the Installed Packages tool.
- Select the package you want to uninstall and click Uninstall selection.
If something goes wrong with a package (e.g. package directory is deleted without first uninstalling it), Lazarus may not allow you to uninstall packages. To fix the problem, at the IDE menu click Tools > Build Lazarus. Lazarus will rebuild all packages and restart. You should now be able to uninstall problematic packages.
mycom.pas 개선
- The codes in mycom.pas above gives you the basics on what you need to create a component. The following is an enhanced version with some tips on how to write procedures and events for components.
- OnChange2 이벤트를 만드는 방법을 보여줍니다
- The OnSample shows how to create custom events
- MyText and MyText2 shows different ways to write properties.
- You can use TComboBox instead of TCustomComboBox as the base class, which publishes all properties as TComboBox.
- If TCustomComboBox is used as the base class, you'll notice a lot of properties and events will be missing at the Object Inspector in the IDE. To add those properties and events just copy and paste the properties as listed below // properties from TComboBox. These list of properties can be got from the TComboBox declaration in the StdCtrls unit. Omit any property which you want to handle yourself.
unit mycom;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
Classes, SysUtils, StdCtrls, Forms, Dialogs,
TSampleEvent = procedure(MyText: String) of Object;
TMyCom = class (TCustomComboBox)
FMyText: String;
FOnChange2: TNotifyEvent;
FOnSample: TSampleEvent;
constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
procedure CreateWnd; override;
procedure Change; override;
function GetMyText2: String;
procedure SetMyText2(MyText: String);
property MyText: String read FMyText write FMyText;
property MyText2: String read GetMyText2 write SetMyText2;
property OnChange2: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange2 write FOnChange2;
property OnSample: TSampleEvent read FOnSample write FOnSample;
// properties from TComboBox
property Align;
property Anchors;
property ArrowKeysTraverseList;
property AutoComplete;
property AutoCompleteText;
property AutoDropDown;
property AutoSelect;
property AutoSize;
property BidiMode;
property BorderSpacing;
property CharCase;
property Color;
property Ctl3D;
property Constraints;
property DragCursor;
property DragMode;
property DropDownCount;
property Enabled;
property Font;
property ItemHeight;
property ItemIndex;
property Items;
property ItemWidth;
property MaxLength;
property OnChange;
property OnChangeBounds;
property OnClick;
property OnCloseUp;
property OnContextPopup;
property OnDblClick;
property OnDragDrop;
property OnDragOver;
property OnDrawItem;
property OnEndDrag;
property OnDropDown;
property OnEditingDone;
property OnEnter;
property OnExit;
property OnGetItems;
property OnKeyDown;
property OnKeyPress;
property OnKeyUp;
property OnMeasureItem;
property OnMouseDown;
property OnMouseMove;
property OnMouseUp;
property OnStartDrag;
property OnSelect;
property OnUTF8KeyPress;
property ParentBidiMode;
property ParentColor;
property ParentCtl3D;
property ParentFont;
property ParentShowHint;
property PopupMenu;
property ReadOnly;
property ShowHint;
property Sorted;
property Style;
property TabOrder;
property TabStop;
property Text;
property Visible;
procedure Register;
procedure Register;
constructor TMyCom.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(TheOwner);
Self.Style := csDropDownList;
procedure TMyCom.CreateWnd;
inherited CreateWnd;
procedure TMyCom.Change;
if Assigned(FOnChange2) then FOnChange2(Self);
if Assigned(FOnSample) then FOnSample(FMyText);
function TMyCom.GetMyText2: String;
procedure TMyCom.SetMyText2(MyText: String);
{$I samplepackage.lrs}
내장 (시각)컨포넌트 사용
It's possible to use standard components embedded in your own components (look for example at TLabeledEdit or TButtonPanel). Let's say you want to create a custom panel with a TLabel on it. With the steps described above the base package and source files can be created. Now to add a TLabel to the component, do the following:
- Add a private attribute for the label component (FEmbeddedLabel: TLabel;).
- Add a published read-only property for the label component (property EmbeddedLabel: TLabel read FEmbeddedLabel;)
- Create the label in the component's (overridden) constructor (FEmbeddedLabel := TLabel.Create(self); )
- Set the parent of the component (FEmbeddedLabel.Parent := self;)
- If the component to be embedded is not a 'subcomponent' by default (like TBoundLabel, TPanelBitBtn etc.) then add the call to SetSubComponent. This is necessary for the IDE so it knows that it has to store the properties of the embedded component as well. TLabel is not a subcomponent by default so the call to the method must be added (FEmbeddedLabel.SetSubComponent(true);).
To sum it up you would get something like this (only the essential parts are shown):
TEnhancedPanel = class(TCustomControl)
{ The new attribute for the embedded label }
FEmbeddedLabel: TLabel;
{ The constructor must be overriden so the label can be created }
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
{ Make the label visible in the IDE }
property EmbeddedLabel: TLabel read FEmbeddedLabel;
constructor TEnhancedPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
// Set default width and height
with GetControlClassDefaultSize do
SetInitialBounds(0, 0, CX, CY);
// Add the embedded label
FEmbeddedLabel := TLabel.Create(Self); // Add the embedded label
FEmbeddedLabel.Parent := self; // Show the label in the panel
FEmbeddedLabel.SetSubComponent(true); // Tell the IDE to store the modified properties
FLabel.Name := 'EmbeddedLabel';
FLabel.Caption := 'Howdy World!';
// Make sure the embedded label can not be selected/deleted within the IDE
FLabel.ControlStyle := FLabel.ControlStyle - [csNoDesignSelectable];
// Set other properties if necessary
Using custom paint procedure
You can always subclass a component inside your program. For example, this implements a custom Paint procedure to a TLabel:
TMyLabel = class(TLabel)
procedure Paint; override;
procedure TMyLabel.Paint;
// your code to implement Paint, for example
Now you can create a MyLabel inside your program, at run time, with that overridden Paint procedure instead of the standard one.
For most components, and for most methods, it would be recommendable to call inherited procedure iniside it:
procedure TMyLabel.Paint;
inherited Paint; /////////////////////
// your code to implement Paint, for example
But inherited behavior is not desirable in this case, since the second writing action would overlap the first (inherited) one.
IDE와 컴포넌트를 통합
Property Editors
Property editors provide custom dialogs to edit properties in the object inspector. For most properties, like strings, string lists, images, enumerated types and others, there are already default property editors, but if a custom component has a special kind of property it may require a custom dialog to edit the property. Each property editor is a class, which should descend from TPropertyEditor or one of it's descendents and implement methods from this base class. They should be registered in the 'Register' procedure by using the function RegisterPropertyEditor from the unit PropEdits. It is a standard to name property editors with the property name followed by 'Property', for example TFieldProperty for the property editor of the TField property.
TPropertyEditor = class
function AllEqual: Boolean; Virtual;
function AutoFill: Boolean; Virtual;
procedure Edit; Virtual; // Activated by double-clicking the property value
procedure ShowValue; Virtual; // Activated by control-clicking the property value
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; Virtual;
function GetEditLimit: Integer; Virtual;
function GetName: ShortString; Virtual;
procedure GetProperties(Proc: TGetPropEditProc); Virtual;
function GetHint(HintType: TPropEditHint; x, y: integer): String; Virtual;
function GetDefaultValue: AnsiString; Virtual;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); Virtual;
procedure SetValue(const NewValue: AnsiString); Virtual;
procedure UpdateSubProperties; Virtual;
function SubPropertiesNeedsUpdate: Boolean; Virtual;
function IsDefaultValue: Boolean; Virtual;
function IsNotDefaultValue: Boolean; Virtual;
// ... shortened
A good example for a property editor is the TFont property editor.
One of the most common cases for property editors is properties which are classes, because classes have many fields and can have a variety of formats, it's not possible for Lazarus to have the object inspector edit field able to edit it, like is done for strings and numeric types. For classes a convention is to have the value field show permanently the name of the class in parentheses, for example „(TFont)“ and the „...“ button shows a dialog to edit this class. This behavior, except for the dialog, is implemented by a standard property editor for classes called TClassPropertyEditor, which can be inherited from when writing property editors for classes:
TClassPropertyEditor = class(TPropertyEditor)
constructor Create(Hook: TPropertyEditorHook; APropCount: Integer); Override;
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; Override;
procedure GetProperties(Proc: TGetPropEditProc); Override;
function GetValue: AnsiString; Override;
property SubPropsTypeFilter: TTypeKinds Read FSubPropsTypeFilter
Write SetSubPropsTypeFilter
Default tkAny;
Going back to the TFont example, inheriting from TClassPropertyEditor already offers part of the desired behavior and then the TFontPropertyEditor class only needs to implement showing the dialog in the Edit method and set the attributes for the editor:
TFontPropertyEditor = class(TClassPropertyEditor)
procedure Edit; Override;
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; Override;
procedure TFontPropertyEditor.Edit;
FontDialog: TFontDialog;
FontDialog := TFontDialog.Create(NIL);
FontDialog.Font := TFont(GetObjectValue(TFont));
FontDialog.Options := FontDialog.Options + [fdShowHelp, fdForceFontExist];
if FontDialog.Execute then SetPtrValue(FontDialog.Font);
function TFontPropertyEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes;
Result := [paMultiSelect, paSubProperties, paDialog, paReadOnly];
컴포넌트 에디터
Component editors control the behavior of right-clicking and double clicking components in the form designer. Each component editor is a class, which should descend from TComponentEditor or one of it's descendents and implement methods from this base class. They should be registered in the 'Register' procedure by using the function RegisterComponentEditor from the unit ComponentEditors. It is a standard to name component editors with the component name followed by 'Editor', for example TStringGridComponentEditor for the property editor of the TStringGrid component. Although user component editors should be based in TComponentEditor, most of it's methods are actually from an ancestor, so it is necessary to also know TBaseComponentEditor:
TBaseComponentEditor = class
constructor Create(AComponent: TComponent;
ADesigner: TComponentEditorDesigner); Virtual;
procedure Edit; Virtual; Abstract;
procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); Virtual; Abstract;
function GetVerb(Index: Integer): String; Virtual; Abstract;
function GetVerbCount: Integer; Virtual; Abstract;
procedure PrepareItem(Index: Integer; const AnItem: TMenuItem); Virtual; Abstract;
procedure Copy; Virtual; Abstract;
function IsInInlined: Boolean; Virtual; Abstract;
function GetComponent: TComponent; Virtual; Abstract;
function GetDesigner: TComponentEditorDesigner; Virtual; Abstract;
function GetHook(out Hook: TPropertyEditorHook): Boolean; Virtual; Abstract;
procedure Modified; Virtual; Abstract;
The most important method of a component editor is Edit, which is called when the component is double clicked. When the context menu for the component is invoked the GetVerbCount and GetVerb methods are called to build the menu. If one of the verbs (which means menu items in this case) are selected, ExecuteVerb is called. There is a default component editor (TDefaultEditor) which implements Edit to search the properties of the component for the most appropriate one to be edited. It usually chooses an event, which is edited by adding it's skeleton code in the code editor and setting the cursor to be in place to add code for it.
Other important methods from TBasComponentEditor are: ExecuteVerb(Index), which executes one of the extra menu items placed on the right-click popup menu; GetVerb – To return the name of each extra popup menu item. Note that t is the responsibility of the component editor to place special menu item caption characters like & to create a keyboard accelerator and “-” to create a separator; GetVerbCount – Returns the amount of items to be added to the popup menu. The index for the routines GetVerb and ExecuteVerb is zero based, going from 0 to GetVerbCount – 1; PrepareItem – Called for each verb after the menu item was created. Allows the menu item to be customized such as by adding subitems, adding a checkbox or even hiding it by setting Visible to false; Copy - Called when the component is being copied to the clipboard. The component data for use by Lazarus will always be added and cannot be modified. This method is instead for adding a different kind of clipboard information to paste the component in other applications, but which won't affect the Lazarus paste.
A simple and interesting example is the TCheckListBox component editor which creates a dialog to edit. More convenient then implementing all methods from TBaseComponentEditor is inheriting from TComponentEditor, and this is what TCheckListBoxEditor does. This base class adds empty implementations for most methods and some default ones for others. For Edit it calls ExecuteVerb(0), so if the first item will be identical to the double-click action, which is a convention for editor, there is no need to implement Edit. This basic action for the double-click and first menu item is often a dialog, and for TCheckListBox this is also done:
TCheckListBoxComponentEditor = class(TComponentEditor)
procedure DoShowEditor;
procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); override;
function GetVerb(Index: Integer): String; override;
function GetVerbCount: Integer; override;
procedure TCheckGroupComponentEditor.DoShowEditor;
Dlg: TCheckGroupEditorDlg;
Dlg := TCheckGroupEditorDlg.Create(NIL);
// .. shortened
// .. shortened
procedure TCheckGroupComponentEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer);
case Index of
0: DoShowEditor;
function TCheckGroupComponentEditor.GetVerb(Index: Integer): String;
Result := 'CheckBox Editor...';
function TCheckGroupComponentEditor.GetVerbCount: Integer;
Result := 1;
같이 보기
- Extending the IDE
- Lazarus Packages - A guide for creating a package under Lazarus
- Components and Code examples
- Lazarus Components
- IDE Window: Add to Package
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