FPSpreadsheet: Examples

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Requirements to create an FPSpreadsheet application

To create a project which uses the fpspreadsheet library, add the fpspreadsheet_pkg package to it's Lazarus project, or add the base directory of fpspreadsheet to you compiler options if using another IDE.


The entire FPSpreadsheet package consists of several units. A spreadsheet application typically "uses" the following units:

  • fpspreadsheet: implements TsWorkbook and TsWorksheet and the basic file reading/writing methods
  • fpstypes: declares most of the data types and constants used throughout the package. Note: in older versions these declarations were contained in fpspreadsheet.pas.
  • the unit(s) implementing the reader/writer for a given file format, e.g. xlsbiff8 for binary Excel files. If the application will be able to handle all formats "use" the unit fpsallformats.

The next units are required only occasionally:

  • fpsutils: a collection of utility functions that are occasionally needed (e.g. conversion of col/row indexes to Excel-like cell address string).
  • fpscell: this unit is required if you use direct cell formatting (e.g. cell^.BackgroundColor := scYellow) instead of calling the corresponding worksheet method (MyWorksheet.WriteBackgroundColor(cell, scYellow), in this example).
  • fpsnumformat: collects all utility functions related to number formats.

All other units are probably not needed at the application level. In case of the visual spreadsheet controls, the needed units usually are inserted at design-time automatically.

Sample projects in the fpspreadsheet installation folder

A bunch of sample projects accompanies the FPSpreadsheet installation. They can be found in the folder "examples". Here is a brief description of these sample projects

  • db_import_export is an example showing how to export a large database table to a spreadsheet file using virtual mode or TFPSExport. It also shows importing the spreadsheet into a database using virtual mode.
  • fpsspeedtest compares the effect of file format and various reading/writing parameters on the speed of writing and reading very large spreadsheet files. Again, please run the write test first which create the test files used for the read test.
  • Folder read_write:
    • excel2demo contains command-line programs for writing and reading Excel 2.x xls files. Please run the write demo before the read demo so the required spreadsheet file is generated.
    • excel5demo, like excel2demo, but for Excel 5 xls files.
    • excel8demo, like excel2demo, but for Excel 97-2003 xls files.
    • csvdemo, like excel2demo, but for CSV files.
    • htmldemo, like excel2demo, but for HTML file (currently writing only).
    • ooxmldemo, like excel2demo, but for the new Excel xlsx files.
    • opendocdemo, like excel2demo, but for OpenOffice/LibreOffice ods files
    • wikitabledemo, like excel2demo, but for wiki table files. Note that the write example currently writes a format that the read example cannot understand.
  • other: simple commandline programs showing various aspects of the fpspreadsheet package. Have a look at readme.txt for more details.
  • Folder visual:
    • fpschart shows the application of the TsWorksheetChartSource and TsWorkbookChartSource and the interaction with the TAChart plotting package.
    • fpsctrls and fpsctrls_no_install create a GUI spreadsheet application with a minimum amount of written code; the latter demo is good for testing because it does not require installation of the FPSpreadsheet packages. Step-by-step instructions on how fpsctrls is made can be found in the FSpreadsheet tutorial.
    • fpsgrid and fpsgrid_no_install show the basic application of the TsWorksheetGrid without using the TsWorkbookSource component; the latter demo does not require installation of any FPSpreadsheet package.
    • wikitablemaker is a small application for creation of code to be used for tables on wiki pages. Type the data into a TsWorksheetGrid (or load an existing spreadsheet file), go to page "Code" to see the generated wiki code, click "Copy to clipboard" and paste the code into the wiki page.
  • spready is an extended application of the the entire library showing spreadsheet files with formatting, editing of cells, etc. Since it is a stand-alone application it has been moved to the folder applications/spready' of the Lazarus Components and Code Library.

Code examples

Opening an existing spreadsheet

To open a spreadsheet while specifying a particular format to use use ReadFromFile with two parameters:

MyWorkbook.ReadFromFile(AFileName, sfExcel5);

It is also possible to call ReadFromFile with only one parameter, the filename. Then the workbook will use the extension to auto-detect the file format. In case of the ambiguous extension .xls (Excel 2-8) it will simply try various possibilities until one works. Although typical fingerprint byte patterns are checked now it is still possible that an exception will be raised for each incorrect format if run from the IDE at designtime; this does not occur at runtime.


Writing a spreadsheet to file based on extension

Similar to the ReadFromFile routine, there is also a WriteToFile procedure to determine the spreadsheet's type based on the filename suffix. It uses the GetFormatFromFileName routine in the previous section's code, so the actual code is simple. However, it will always write files with a given extension using the latest format that uses that extension (e.g. Excel .xls files will be written as sfExcel8), so if you want to write them in an earlier format, you have to use the base routine.

As above, this code patches the fpspreadsheet.pas unit.

procedure TsWorkbook.WriteToFile(const AFileName: string; const AOverwriteExisting: Boolean = False); overload;
var SheetType: TsSpreadsheetFormat;
  if getFormatFromFileName(AFileName, SheetType) then
    WriteToFile(AFileName, SheetType, AOverwriteExisting)
  else raise Exception.Create(Format(
    '[TsWorkbook.WriteToFile] Attempted to save a spreadsheet by extension, but the extension %s is invalid.', [ExtractFileExt(AFileName)]));

Converting between two spreadsheet formats

program ods2xls;
{$mode delphi}{$H+}
  Classes, SysUtils, 
  fpstypes, fpspreadsheet, fpsallformats, fpspreadsheet_pkg;
  INPUT_FORMAT = sfOpenDocument;
  OUTPUT_FORMAT = sfExcel8;
  MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
  MyDir: string;
  // Initialization
  MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
  // Convert the spreadsheet
  MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
    MyWorkbook.ReadFromFile(MyDir + 'test.ods', INPUT_FORMAT);
    MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test.xls', OUTPUT_FORMAT);

Iterating through all worksheets

  MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
  MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
  i: Integer;
  // Here load MyWorkbook from a file or build it
  for i := 0 to MyWorkbook.GetWorksheetCount() - 1 do
    MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.GetWorksheetByIndex(i);
    // Do something with MyWorksheet

Iterating through cells

The first idea is to use a simple for-to loop:

  MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
  col, row: Cardinal;
  cell: PCell;
  for row:=0 to MyWorksheet.GetLastRowIndex do
    for col := 0 to MyWorksheet.GetLastColIndex do
      cell := MyWorksheet.FindCell(row, col);

FindCell initiates a search for a cell independently of the previously found cell. Cells, however, are are organized interally in a sorted tree structure, and each cell "knows" its previous and next neighbors. Moreover, FindCell wastes time on searching for non-existing cells in case of sparsely-occupied worksheets. In general, it is more efficient to use the for-in syntax which takes advantage of the internal tree structure by means of special enumerators. Note that there are also dedicated enumerators for searching along rows, columns or in cell ranges:

  MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
  cell: PCell;
  // Search in all cells
  for cell in Myworksheet.Cells do

  // Search in column 0 only
  for cell in MyWorksheet.Cells.GetColEnumerator(0) do

  // Search in row 2 only
  for cell in MyWorksheet.Cells.GetRowEnumerator(2) do

  // Search in range A1:C2 only (rows 0..1, columns 0..2)
  for cell in MyWorksheet.Cells.GetRangeEnumerator(0, 0, 1, 2) do

Excel 5 example

Note: at least with fpspreadsheet from trunk (development version), this example requires (at least) Lazarus avglvltree.pas, lazutf8.pas, asiancodepagefunctions.inc, asiancodepages.inc and lconvencoding.pas (in the $(LazarusDir)\components\lazutils\ directory)


Demonstrates how to write an Excel 5.x file using the fpspreadsheet library

You can change the output format by changing the OUTPUT_FORMAT constant

AUTHORS: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
program excel5demo;

{$mode delphi}{$H+}

  Classes, SysUtils, fpstypes, fpspreadsheet, fpsallformats, laz_fpspreadsheet;

  OUTPUT_FORMAT = sfExcel5;

  MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
  MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
  MyFormula: TsRPNFormula;
  MyDir: string;
  // Initialization
  MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));

  // Create the spreadsheet
  MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
    MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet');

    // Write some number cells
    MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 0, 1.0);
    MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 1, 2.0);
    MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 2, 3.0);
    MyWorksheet.WriteNumber(0, 3, 4.0);

    // Write the formula E1 = A1 + B1
    MyWorksheet.WriteFormula(0, 4, 'A1+B1');

    // Creates a new worksheet
    MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet 2');

    // Write some string cells
    MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, 0, 'First');
    MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, 1, 'Second');
    MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, 2, 'Third');
    MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, 3, 'Fourth');

    // Save the spreadsheet to a file
    MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test' + STR_EXCEL_EXTENSION, OUTPUT_FORMAT);

Reading and writing of CSV files

CSV files (CSV = comma-separated values) are plain text files without metadata. Therefore, additional information for correct reading of writing from/to a worksheet is required. The global record CSVParams makes available fundamental settings for this purpose:

  CSVParams: TsCSVParams = record    // W = writing, R = reading, RW = reading/writing
    SheetIndex: Integer;             // W: Index of the sheet to be written
    LineEnding: TsCSVLineEnding;     // W: Specification for line ending to be written
    Delimiter: Char;                 // RW: Column delimiter
    QuoteChar: Char;                 // RW: Character for quoting texts
    Encoding: String;                // RW: Encoding of file
    DetectContentType: Boolean;      // R: try to convert strings to content types
    NumberFormat: String;            // W: if empty write numbers like in sheet, otherwise use this format
    AutoDetectNumberFormat: Boolean; // R: automatically detects decimal/thousand separator used in numbers
    TrueText: String;                // RW: String for boolean TRUE
    FalseText: String;               // RW: String for boolean FALSE
    FormatSettings: TFormatSettings; // RW: add'l parameters for conversion

This record contains fields which are evaluated for reading only, writing only, or for both - see the attached comments.

A common situation is to read a file using a number decimal separator which is different from the system's decimal separator: Suppose you are on a European system in which the decimal separator is a comma, but the csv file to be read originates from a machine which uses a decimal point. And suppose also, that the file contains tab characters as column separator instead of the default comma. In this case, simply set the CSVParams.FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator to '.', and the CSVParams.Delimiter to #9 (TAB character) before reading the file:

  fpstypes, fpspreadsheet, fpscsv;
  MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
  CSVParams.FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator := '.';
  CSVParams.Delimiter := #9;
  MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
    MyWorkbook.ReadFromFile('machine-data.csv', sfCSV);
Light bulb  Note: If you want to give the user the possibility to interactively modify the CSVParams record have a look at the unit scsvparamsform.pas of the spready demo which provides a ready-to-use dialog.

Converting a database to a spreadsheet

The easiest solution is to use the DatasetExport component.

If you need to have more control over the process, use something like:

program db5xls;
{$mode delphi}{$H+}
  Classes, SysUtils, 
  // add database units
  fpstypes, fpspreadsheet, fpsallformats;
const OUTPUT_FORMAT = sfExcel5;
  MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
  MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
  MyDatabase: TSdfDataset;
  MyDir: string;
  i, j: Integer;
  // Initialization
  MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
  // Open the database
  MyDatabase := TSdfDataset.Create;
  MyDatabase.Filename := 'test.dat';
  // Add table description here
  MyDatabase.Active := True;

  // Create the spreadsheet
  MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
  MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet');
  // Write the field names
  for i := 0 to MyDatabase.Fields.Count - 1 do
    MyWorksheet.WriteText(0, i, MyDatabase.Fields[i].FieldName);

  // Write all cells to the worksheet
  j := 0;
  while not MyDatabase.EOF do
    for i := 0 to MyDatabase.Fields.Count - 1 do
      MyWorksheet.WriteText(j + 1, i, MyDatabase.Fields[i].AsString);


  // Close the database
  MyDatabase.Active := False;

  // Save the spreadsheet to a file
  MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test' + STR_EXCEL_EXTENSION, OUTPUT_FORMAT);

Converting a large database table to a spreadsheet using virtual mode

Light bulb  Note: The example program in examples\db_import_export shows a demonstration of using virtual mode to export datasets to spreadsheet files.

We want to write a large database table to a spreadsheet file. The first row of the spreadsheet is to show the field names in bold type face and with a gray background.

Normally, FPSpreadsheet would load the entire representation of the spreadsheet into memory, so we'll use virtual mode to minimize memory usage.

  TDataProvider = class;

  MyWorkbook: TsWorkbook;
  MyWorksheet: TsWorksheet;
  MyDatabase: TSdfDataset;
  MyDir: string;
  MyHeaderTemplateCell: PCell;
  DataProvider: TDataProvider;

// Implement TDataProvider here - see below...

  // Initialization
  MyDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
  // Open the database
  MyDatabase := TSdfDataset.Create;
    MyDatabase.Filename := 'test.dat';
    // Add table description here
    MyDatabase.Active := True;

    // Create the spreadsheet
    MyWorkbook := TsWorkbook.Create;
      MyWorksheet := MyWorkbook.AddWorksheet('My Worksheet');

      // Create the template cell for the header line, we want the 
      // header in bold type-face and gray background color
      // The template cell can be anywhere in the workbook, let's just select cell A1.
      MyWorksheet.WriteFontStyle(0, 0, [fssBold]);
      MyWorksheet.WriteBackgroundColor(0, 0, scGray);
      // We'll need this cell again and again, so let's save the pointer to it in a variable
      MyHeaderTemplateCell := MyWorksheet.Find(0, 0);
      // Enter virtual mode
      MyWorkbook.Options := MyWorkbook.Options + [boVirtualMode];

      // Define number of columns - we want a column for each field
      MyWorksheet.VirtualColCount := MyDatabase.FieldCount;

      // Define number of rows - we want every record, plus 1 row for the title row
      MyWorksheet.VirtualRowCount := MyDatabase.RecordCount + 1;

      // Link the event handler which passes data from database to spreadsheet writer
      MyWorksheet.OnWriteCellData := @DataProvider.WriteCellData;

      // Write all cells to an Excel8 file
      // The data to be written are specified in the OnWriteCellData event handler.
      MyWorkbook.WriteToFile(MyDir + 'test.xls', sfExcel8);

      // Clean-up

    // Close the database & clean-up
    MyDatabase.Active := False;


What is left is to write the event handler for OnWriteCellData. For the command-line program above we setup a particular data provider class (in a gui program the event handler can also be a method of any form):

  TDataProvider = class
    procedure WriteCellData(Sender: TsWorksheet; ARow, ACol: Cardinal; var AValue: variant; var AStyleCell: PCell);

procedure TDataProvider.WriteCellData(Sender: TsWorksheet; ARow, ACol: Cardinal; AValue: variant; var: AStyleCell: PCell);
  // Let's handle the header row first:
  if ARow = 0 then begin
    // The value to be written to the spreadsheet is the field name.
    AValue := MyDatabase.Fields[ACol].FieldName;
    // Formatting is defined in the HeaderTemplateCell.
    AStyleCell := MyHeaderTemplateCell;
    // Move to first record
  end else begin
    // The value to be written to the spreadsheet is the record value in the field corresponding to the column.
    // No special requirements on formatting --> leave AStyleCell at its default (nil).
    AValue := MyDatabase.Fields[ACol].AsVariant;
    // Advance database cursor if last field of record has been written
    if ACol = MyDatabase.FieldCount-1 then MyDatabase.Next;