FPC IRC channel

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Official channels

Unlike in the past, there is no official IRC channel for FPC. There are at least two FPC related channels on irc.libera.chat server - #fpc and #fpc-alt (plus the accompanying ##fpc-alt channel intended for discussion off-topic in the main channel). It should be noted that the FPC core team has no control over either of these channels.

Unofficial channels



Rules of the #fpc-alt channel (moderated by Steve Litt) are very simple: Treat your fellow channel inhabitants like you'd like to be treated.


Note that the moderation style of the #fpc channel may be perceived as strict to newcomers (or at least some of them); the channel rules are as follows:

1. Purpose -> The #fpc channel is for people who use and/or develop using fpc and/or Lazarus ide or Pascal related languages to create projects. It is a place to give and receive technical support and advice with regards to developing software using the pascal programming language and fpc compiler.

2. Pascal -> Channel members are required to demonstrate at least beginner level proficiency in pascal language so that they can understand what is happening and participate. People who don’t know pascal can join the #pascal channel and utilize the resources in topic and get help with learning pascal language.

3. Joining -> Your Account or IP address can be added to the invite list so that you can join without an account if you prefer. For this you will need to talk to Joanna in #fpc-unregistered channel or private message her in the forums located here https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php

4. Introduction -> Please tell Joanna who are and how you found channel. It makes her life a lot easier. If you wish to be discrete and use a nickname that nobody else knows you by that’s fine. You can tell her who you are privately

5. Language -> It is ok for two or more members to chat in non English languages of their choice as long as they are willing to translate if asked.

6. Culture -> Friendly and helpful. Rude/disruptive People will be shown the door.

7. Sincerity -> Channel members are expected to demonstrate sincerity and post questions that channel members were unable answer in forums or mailing lists if asked to.

8. Offtopic chat -> When no technical discussions are happening, sensible pleasant off topic chat is both allowed and enjoyed.

9. Lurking -> Pascal programmers can lurk all they like.

10. Bots -> Bots are allowed only with permission from channel owners. This includes chatbots.

11. Stalking -> People who have harassed channel members in other places will be considered to be engaging in cyberstalking and not be allowed in channel.

12. Policies -> Rules will be determined by the founders of #fpc who have the most irc channel management experience.

Anyone having questions or concerns related to this channel may contact the channel moderator Joanna (also accessible under same name in forums).