FPC 2.6.1 macOS Targets

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FPC 2.6.1 and below

To make sure that an application will run under previous macOS releases, use the -macosx_version_min linker parameter and link against the appropriate SDK (e.g. -XR/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/ or -XR/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk/). For example, to compile an application that should work on Leopard 10.5 and higher:

Add to /etc/fpc.cfg OR to Project / Compiler options / Other / Custom options:

-k-macosx_version_min -k10.5

The 10.4 SDK is the only one with a special name (10.4u instead of 10.4). Other SDK names simply contain the major macOS version number: MacOSX10.5.sdk, MacOSX10.6.sdk, ...

Note: The path /Developer depends on where you installed the Apple developer tools, and may be different if you chose a different location. Do not assume it will always be /Developer.

The 10.7 is by default:

-k-macosx_version_min -k10.7

For targeting Tiger 10.4 the following settings are required:

-k-macosx_version_min -k10.4

Adding the custom options only when compiling for macOS

To add the above custom options only when compiling for macOS add to Project / Compiler options / IDE macros / Conditionals:

if TargetOS = 'darwin' then begin
  UsageCustomOptions += ' -k-macosx_version_min -k10.5';
  UsageCustomOptions += ' -XR/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/';