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Rilis Komponen Lazarus-CCR
- GLScene - Peralihan dari librari grafik visual OpenGL GLScene
- TOpenGLBox - Komponen barebone OpenGL untuk Lazarus yang menyediakan area render OpenGL.
- SMNetGradient - Komponen Pengisian Gradien untuk Lazarus.
- TAChart - Komponen chart untuk Lazarus
- PlotPanel - Komponen pemetaan dan chart untuk grafik teranimasi
- LazRGBGraphics - Paket untuk pemrosesan cepat gambar dalam memori dan manipulasi (seperti scan line).
- TMetafile/TMetafileCanvas - Implementasi EnhMetafile API untuk Windows.
- FpSystools - Konversi TurboPower's Systools untuk paket Kylix ke Lazarus/FPC
- DCPcrypt - Librari Komponen Kriptografi DCPcrypt
- RXfpc - Beberapa komponen RXlib yang sangat dikenal dikonversi ke Lazarus
- MultiLog - Sistem pencatatan yang didesain untuk FPC-Lazarus
- OnGuard - Peralihan Turbo Power OnGuard
- UniqueInstance - Komponen untuk memaksa hanya satu turunan yang berjalan pada saat yang sama
- Kamouflage - File Camouflage ke dalam gambar
- XDev Toolkit - Piranti pengembangan platform-silang.
- Zlibar - Objects to create and extract a zlib compressed archive containing multiple files
- FreePascalArchivePackage - Conversion of TurboPower Software's Abbrevia library for the Free Pascal Compiler
- ZipFile - Component that encapsulates a zipfile, you can read and write from it as if it's a filesystem
- libtar - Classes for .TAR archives by Stefan Heymann, who kindly relicensed so that they are now in the FPC 2.1.1 and later distributions. Can be combined by zstream to create .tar.gz files.
Editor dan peninjau
- PowerPDF - Port of the PowerPDF (visual) components for Lazarus
- RichView - Port of the TRichView Freeware Edition Components to Lazarus
- Fshcomp - Edit components.
- SynEdit - Source Editor component (used by the IDE)
- Sockets - TCP/IP Sockets components
- lNet - Networking components for TCP and UDP connections
- FPC and Apache Modules - Headers for creating Apache modules with fpc
- Web Services Toolkit - Web Services authoring and consumption
- TPSQL - Components for connecting to PostgreSQL database servers
- tiOPF - TechInsite Object Persistent Framework (Ver. 2)
- TParadoxDataSet - An TDataSet implementation that can read Paradox files up to Version 7 (and up ??)
- EpikTimer - Precision timer component written specifically for Lazarus.
- TrayIcon - A multiplatform System Tray component
- TPopupNotifier - How to use TPopupNotifier to show "balloon help".
- MultiDoc - A component to write pseudo-MDI application with Lazarus.
- MDButtonsBar - ButtonsBar to MultiDoc Component.
Komponen visual
- VirtualTreeview - A port of the fast virtual treeview from SoftGems
- RingChart and AnalogWatch - Another Elliptical Chart and an Analogic Watch for Lazarus and FPC
- ColorBox - Color picker with preview
- Spook's Panel Components - A collection of panel components
- HistoryFiles - A component for store the recent files list into an .ini file and show the result into a menu.
- ColorPalette - A color palette grid with ability to use custom palette.
- OrphPort - Subset of TurboPower's Orpheus controls.
- TSubForm - A Data-Aware SubForm that replicates controls based on records in a dataset.
- Lui Controls - A set of visual controls (TToggleLabel, TMenuButton)
- JvXPBar - A port of JVCL's TJvXPBar control that can display an icon, a header and zero or more clickable items in its client area.
- CmdLine - A Prompt as VCL Control.
Paket untuk FPC/Lazarus (tidak di-host di sini)
- 2007, Brain Patchwork DX, LLC. has ported their TCP/UDP Client and Server Components to Lazarus 0.9.22/FPC 2.0.4 - visual and non-visual implementation are supported (
- Starting with version 32, Lucas Gebauer's outstanding Synapse TCP/IP library is now compatible with Free Pascal and Lazarus. Lucas has also just released version 12 of his Synaser serial port communications suite that also runs under Free Pascal.
- Indy
- Original (now dormant) effort: Indy for Lazarus project 119 components Indy for FPC/Lazarus.
- Newer attempt Indy with Lazarus (Both Indy9 and Indy10)
- CUPS for Lazarus project Common UNIX Printing System for FPC/Lazarus.
- FIBL FreeIBComponents package porting for Lazarus.
Contoh program
- SysRec - Video Capturing and Recording application, you can download it here.
- Micro-mainframe Transmission Command Generator for IBM Mainframes
- Sudoku - A Sudoku solver.
- Libview - Views all exported function names of a given library.
- Contacts Database - An expanded version of the address book example with reports.
- OpenGL Tutorial - Example code for the OpenGL tutorial
- Robot - The Game - Very easy written sample for beginners
- Kaldemonia - Google Searcher shows simple threading, using Synapse networking library.
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Kontributor asli dan perubahan
Halaman ini telah diimpor dari versi epikwiki.
- Halaman dibuat, konten awal - T. Lisjac 9/22/2003 User:VlxAdmin
- Dipindahkan info paket Synapse ke sini dari Halaman Utama - User:VlxAdmin 10/1/2003