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English (en)


ATGroups is used in SynWrite+CudaText editors as app skeleton. It contains 6 page-controls, each based on ATTabs, and maniupulates these pages: depending on Mode prop, it makes visible one, two, three etc pages, with splitters between them, so you can resize pages. Also 2x2 and 3x2 grid modes exist (some splitters are sync'ed). Allows to drag-drop tabs between all pages. Tested with TMemo as editor control, of course can be used with other memos or frames.

Group 1 cannot be empty (on closing last tab new tab is opened), other groups can be empty (on closing last focused tab group 1 gets focus).


Lazarus: 1.8+. Tested on: Windows, Linux GTK2/Qt, macOS.


Screenshots taken from Delphi with themed tabs (SpTBX used)

Mode 1x3

atgroups mode1x3.png

Mode 2x1

atgroups mode2x1.png

Mode 2x2 (4 groups grid)

atgroups mode2x2.png

Mode 3x2 (6 groups grid)

atgroups mode3x2.png


License: MPL 2.0 or LGPL.


ATGroups is merged into ATFlatControls repo: