ARM Embedded Tutorials
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Tutorials for programming ARM microcontrollers with FPC and Lazarus. This applies, for example, to the STM32 microcontrollers and RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico) microcontroller.
Set up driver / cross compiler / IDE
- Introduction to STM32 and FPC - How do I set up FPC / IDE (MSEide) to program an STM32F103C?
Raspberry Pi Pico
To best use this tutorial you will need to buy (at least) two Raspberry Pi Pico, we will use one as a target and the second one as a debug probe. Do yourself a favour, invest $4 for a second device, being able to debug is worth so much more.
As the Pico is brand new and support for the board is a work in progress I'd recommend that you set up a dedicated installation of Lazarus and Free Pascal as you will need to use both trunk version of Lazarus and a specially patched version of FPC that includes the necessary adjustments so that FPC knows about the Pico. Also expect changes as we all learn along the way.
- Installing Lazarus and Free Pascal
- Raspberry Pi Pico Setting up for Development
- Raspberry Pi Pico Debugging the onboard LED
To access the Raspberry Pi Pico examples below, together with all needed dependencies, clone this repository:
Create issues and add feature requests on Github:
ARM programming Examples
- GPIO - output and input - How to make a GPIO output
- Simple timer - A simple timer
Raspberry Pi Pico
- Raspberry Pi Pico blinking the onboard LED
- Raspberry Pi Pico saying Hello via UART
- Raspberry Pi Pico using the ADC
- Raspberry Pi Pico Scanning for I2C Devices
- Raspberry Pi Pico using Displays and I2C
- Raspberry Pi Pico using Displays and SPI
See also
- Examples (external)
- ARM - Cross compiler
- AVR Embedded Tutorials - Tutorials for AVR Embedded/Arduino