Not equal

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The not equal bigramm <> (consisting of <, the less than symbol, followed by >, the greater than symbol) is used to compare two values. The binary operator evaluates to true, if both values differ from each other.

implicit definition

Note, when the equal operator has been overloaded for a custom type, but unequal does not have its own (explicit) definition, FPC will assume x <> y is the same as not (x = y).

see also

navigation bar: topic: Pascal symbols
single characters

+ (plus)  •  - (minus)  •  * (asterisk)  •  / (slash)
= (equal)  •  > (greater than)  •  < (less than)
. (period)  •  : (colon)  •  ; (semi colon)
^ (hat)  •  @ (at)
$ (dollar sign)  •  & (ampersand)  •  # (hash)
' (single quote)

character pairs

<> (not equal)  •  <= (less than or equal)  •  := (becomes)  •  >= (greater than or equal)

 •  >< (symmetric difference)  •  // (double slash)