IDE Window: Divider Drawing

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You can reach this dialog from the Lazarus IDE:

Divider Drawing

The source editor draws horizontal dividers between blocks off code helping the programmer to quickly see where a block starts and ends. What a block is can be defined in detail for each language and block type.

To see see how the editor look with divider drawing enabled, have a look here.

Divider lines can be configured on a detailed level.
For example you can choose to have a divider after every top-level procedure/function. (set the level to 1) Or you can include nested functions up to a desired level. (level >= 2)

You can have dividers after the following logical breaks

  • Unit Sections: implementation, interface, initialization, ...
  • Uses Clause: In case it gets multi line
  • Var/Type: any var/type/const block on top-level (not in a procedure)
  • Var/Type(local): any var/type/const inside a procedure
    The nest level indicates how deeply the *procedure* is nested (as var blocks can not nest themselves)
  • Class/Struct: Class/Record or Object declarations. The nest level is for records defined inside a class.
  • Class/Struct(local): same if used inside a type declaration local to a procedure
  • Procedure/Function:
  • Begin/End: Includes Case/Repeat, but not try/except. The nesting is counted to the containing Procedure
  • Try/Except:


  • unfinished blocks (open begin with no end) can fool the highlighter.
  • blocks that finish on the same line, on which the opened are ignored