Basic Pascal Tutorial/Chapter 4/Solution

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4Ga - Solution to Towers of Hanoi (author: Tao Yue, state: unchanged)

(* Author:    Tao Yue
   Date:      13 July 2000
      Solves the Towers of Hanoi
      1.0 - original version

program TowersofHanoi;

   numdiscs : integer;


procedure DoTowers (NumDiscs, OrigPeg, NewPeg, TempPeg : integer);
(* Explanation of variables:
      Number of discs -- number of discs on OrigPeg
      OrigPeg -- peg number of the tower
      NewPeg -- peg number to move the tower to
      TempPeg -- peg to use for temporary storage

   (* Take care of the base case -- one disc *)
   if NumDiscs = 1 then
      writeln (OrigPeg, ' ---> ', NewPeg)
   (* Take care of all other cases *)
         (* First, move all discs except the bottom disc
            to TempPeg, using NewPeg as the temporary peg
            for this transfer *)
         DoTowers (NumDiscs-1, OrigPeg, TempPeg, NewPeg);
         (* Now, move the bottommost disc from OrigPeg
            to NewPeg *)
         writeln (OrigPeg, ' ---> ', NewPeg);
         (* Finally, move the discs which are currently on
            TempPeg to NewPeg, using OrigPeg as the temporary
            peg for this transfer *)
         DoTowers (NumDiscs-1, TempPeg, NewPeg, OrigPeg)


begin    (* Main *)
   write ('Please enter the number of discs in the tower ===> ');
   readln (numdiscs);
   DoTowers (numdiscs, 1, 3, 2)
end.     (* Main *)
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